- Alligator.
Cochilou, jacaré te abraçou
You snoozed, and the alligator got you
- A type of snake
Eu vi jararaca no cajueiro
Meu senhor mandou matar
I saw a snake in the cashew tree
My master said to kill it
- Player (of capoeira).
Jogador, jogador / O menino é jogador
Player, player / The boy is a player
- 1) To play. 2) To throw.
1) Vamos jogar capoeira, vamos tocar berimbau
Let’s play capoeira, let’s play berimbau
2) Bem-ti-vi jogou gameleira no chão
The bem-ti-vi bird threw the fig tree to the ground
- Game.
Jogo de dentro, jogo de fora
Jogo bonito é o jogo de angola
Inside game, outside game
The game of angola is a beautiful game