Verbs in Portuguese fall into three general categories: verbs ending with -AR, verbs ending with -ER, and verbs ending with –IR. We’ll start our study by looking at some –AR verbs common in capoeira.
Dona Maria de Camboatá
Ela chega na venda e manda comprar Dona Maria de Camboatá Ela entra na roda e começa a gingar |
Mrs. Maria from Camboatá
She arrives at the marketplace and makes an order Mrs. Maria from Camboatá She enters the roda and begins to play |
Explanation: This song describes a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. Depending on the context, it can be sung in a complimentary way (for example, praising a skilled female capoeirista who can “order” the other player around and have the upper hand in the game) or in a critical way (for example, portraying a woman as bossy and domineering).
This drawing by Lieutenant Chamberlain, who visited Brazil in 1819-1820, shows a typical feira (marketplace) in colonial Rio de Janeiro (read more here):
And here's a modern feira - the largest marketplace in Salvador, Bahia, called the Feira de São Joaquim:
Tocar | To play (instruments) |
Cantar | To sing |
Jogar | To play (sports or capoeira) |
Ensinar | To teach |
Chamar | To call |
Começar | To start |
Comprar | To buy |
Falar | To speak |
Chegar | To arrive |
Let’s look at the verb jogar, which is the infinitive: “to play.”
To conjugate the verb, we remove the –AR and add different endings:
Eu | Jogo |
Você / Ele / Ela | Joga |
Nós | Jogamos |
Vocês / Eles / Elas | Jogam |
These same endings can be applied to any of the –AR verbs in the table above, since they are all regular:
Eu falo português. = I speak Portuguese
Você toca berimbau muito bem. = You play berimbau very well.
Ela sempre chega atrasada. = She always arrives late.
Nós cantamos na aula de musica. = We sing in music class.
Eles não jogam capoeira. = They don’t play capoeira.
When saying the infinitive of a verb, the stress is on the last syllable, the –AR:
Jo-gar (to play)
fa-lar (to speak)
en-si-nar (to teach)
co-me-çar (to start)
But when you conjugate the verb, the stress changes to the second-to-last syllable:
Instruções: Escolha a forma correta do verbo.
Instructions: Choose the correct form of the verb.
Common Capoeira Verbs: -AR Quiz #1
Question 1 |
canta | |
cantam | |
canto | |
cantamos |
Question 2 |
tocamos | |
toca | |
tocam | |
toco |
Question 3 |
compro | |
compram | |
compra | |
compramos |
Question 4 |
fala | |
falam | |
falo | |
falamos |
Question 5 |
ensino | |
ensina | |
ensinamos | |
ensinam |
Question 6 |
começamos | |
começa | |
começam | |
começo |
Question 7 |
jogamos | |
jogo | |
joga | |
jogam |
Question 8 |
chama | |
chamamos | |
chamo | |
chamam |
Question 9 |
chegamos | |
chega | |
chego | |
chegam |
Question 10 |
falam | |
falo | |
fala | |
falamos |
Ready for something more challenging? Try Quiz #2 and Quiz #3!
- Next members-only lesson: Common capoeira verbs: -ER